After our trip to the motor shop, we grabbed some lunch and went to the next thing on our agenda. We had front row seats for a performance of Androcles and the Lion at the Plano Children's Theater! What a great performance it was. It is a tale from ancient Rome of a runaway slave who aids an injured lion. When he is recaptured, he is sent to the arena to face wild beasts. However, to his delight, the beast he faces is the lion he helped. Androcles life is spared because of his random act of kindness to the lion. The actors were great. They were very animated and they interacted with the audience at various time throughout the play. Nicholas was enthralled by them, as were most of the other children there. Nicholas has been to other plays before this one but I think he is just able to appreciate the story line more at this age so it had a greater impact on him. He said that when he grows up, he wants to be an actor - but only after he is a fireman and an ambulance driver!
Here's a cute picture of Nicholas with the Lion!
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