I had fun on Sunday too. Our church has an incredible graphics department with an awesome printer that can print on foamboard, wood, anything. Part of what I did on Sunday in the preschool was to remove some old printed foamboard that was going to be replaced with new pictures for a new theme. I realized that I could use many of the pieces that they were going to throw away so they let me keep them. I got some great cartoon-like pictures of sea creatures which will go great in Nicholas' bathroom. He already has a sea creature shower curtain and these characters actually match his shower curtain rather well. I also brought home some realistic pictures of some astronauts and galaxies. Nicholas loves space and we are working on turning his backyard fort into a spaceship, per his request. These space prints will look awesome in there!
I've had requests to see pictures of the fort/spaceship. We keep thinking of one more thing that needs to be done so in my eyes it's not finished yet and not ready for its reveal. However, I know this is silly because Nicholas and his friends have been playing in it for months already and they all love it! Maybe I'll get some pictures of it up in the next week or so.
This morning, MES had Donuts with Dad. Stuart let Nicholas ride to school in his truck (Nicholas loved it!). I followed along in my car because I had to go to school too to deliver cookies for the book fair and this way I could get the car seat back from Stuart to pick Nicholas up at the end of the school day. At school, there were donuts, milk, and orange juice for the Dads and kiddos. Stuart said that Nicholas ate about 2 donuts and 1/2 dozen donut holes! He also said that Nicholas was very playful with some of his friends and quite a social butterfly.

After donuts, Stuart had to leave for work. I was still shopping at the book fair when the children came walking through to go to chapel. It was fun watching Nicholas in his school setting and with so many of his friends, especially since he didn't notice me at first. After everyone was seated in chapel, I went in and sat in one of the back rows to watch. It was such a wonderful experience. All of the children were singing sweet joyful music like This Little Light Of Mine and Jesus Loves Me. Nicholas was singing along perfectly with a little smile on his face. It was so much fun to be a part of that and I'm so thankful that he gets to do this each week with his friends at school.
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