Grandmother Chance flew into town on Thursday so she could stay with Nicholas during a minor surgery I had on Friday. He was so excited about her visit that he told his teacher all about it. She wrote down what he said. "Guess what? Today is the day Grandmother Chance is coming - after my nap! She's my friend and it's her birthday!" Nicholas was surprised when we arrived to pick him up and Grandmother was with us! She had caught an earlier flight and they were both excited that she was able to go with us to pick him up. She even got to take a little tour of the school while she was there.
Nicholas had lots of fun playing with Grandmother. He loved showing off his fort to her and she even climbed up to the top floor with him. She took him to a pancake breakfast at McDonald's sponsored by the GLECPTA. He loves playing on their indoor playground! Grandmother played air hockey and then let the Rescue Heroes play air hockey together. Grandmother even seemed to enjoy playing with Nicholas' foam swords!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Although Grandmother said that she was planning on being Florence Nightengale for us, I foiled her plans by not needing much of a recovery at all (praise be to God!). We went to the Fort Worth Stockyards on Saturday. During the drive over there, Nicholas started chanting, "Stockyards, Here we come! Stockyards, Here we come!" He and Grandmother came up with a new way to chant. When they held their fingers together, they would quietly whisper the chant. Then they would open their fingers wide and then they would chant loudly. Nicholas loved this new twist!
We were hoping to get there in time for Grandmother Chance to see the cattle drive down Exchange street but we just missed it. All she saw was the back sides of the cattle a few blocks away.
I watched from a raised deck as the three of them made their way around a human maze. They not only had to find their way out of the maze but they also had to find the four stamp machines around the maze that stamped their cards with an "M", "A", "Z", and "E". They did a great job and finished the maze with their cards stamped in 11 minutes. They each got to pick out a little prize for their win!
We had lots of fun just walking around exploring the Stockyards. There is so much to see and do.
A Care Flite helicopter landed in the parking lot just for fun. The pilots let everyone come take a look at it.
Next we visited the Fort Worth Herd CowKid Roundup. It was a great free event tailored for children. The wranglers demonstrated how to crack a whip, rope cattle, and control a horse by the use of reins.
The wranglers even spent time with each child to show them how to spin a lasso and rope a bull (even if it was just a bull head on a bale of hay). Nicholas has tried to figure out how to use a lasso we have a home on his own. He had a great time learning how to do it from an expert!
Next we watched the Grapevine Vintage train roll into the station and then it continued on to the round about where it was turned around to face the opposite direction. That was cool to watch!
We all went to church together on Saturday night. Stuart showed his mom the camera he works on when he volunteers. She looks quite comfortable behind the camera...Lights! Camera! Action!
Saturday night we just spent time together around the kitchen table. We played with pipe cleaners to see who could make the most interesting things. Daddy made a cool baseball hat for Nicholas. Then we played a few games of Bingo while we snacked on some left over Halloween candy.
Grandmother Chance read to Nicholas each time before bed. Here she is reading Puff the Magic Dragon while Nicholas lets his dragon puppet read with them.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Sunday morning we enjoyed a great breakfast at Main Street Bakery in Grapevine. They have a great selection of french pastries for breakfast. Grandmother got some impromptu snuggling from Nicholas.
Then we headed over to a park in Coppell called Kids Country. Nicholas loves playing here. There are lots of structures to climb on, games to play, and places to hide. There are also lots of swings and a huge sandbox.
When it was time to go, Nicholas was covered with sand and needed to put his shoes back on. He kept squirming around because he wasn't ready to leave. Stuart playfully wrangled his leg and held his leg still so he could get his socks and shoes on. Nicholas loved it and giggled his little heart out!
We spent the afternoon at a children's play, Charlotte's Web, at Casa Manana theater in Fort Worth. It was a great production and Nicholas had a great time. Grandmother bought him some farm animal stickers and I got him a little spider toy. Nicholas was pretty worn out and he slept most of the way back from Fort Worth. That's one tired little boy!
We went to dinner at our favorite restaurant, Mikado's Hibachi Grill. Yum! I think Grandmother really liked it too. After dinner, we enjoyed relaxing on the patio at Starbucks. We had some nice conversation, in between the entertainment provided by the one and only Nicholas!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Grandmother and Nicholas spent the morning playing with one of Nicholas' favorite toys, a simple cardboard box. They made a steering wheel, propeller, and two little side guns to shoot the bad guys. So much fun from such a simple household item!
Grandmother, thank you for coming to stay with us! You came to help out during my recovery but instead we all ended up just having a great time together. Thanks for the yummy food and fun entertainment. Nicholas loves the orchestra book you gave him. We have been listening to the CD with it every day!
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