Friday, January 11, 2008

A Full Day of Fun!

We started the day with a GLECPTA event at Peter Piper Pizza where we got to tour the kitchen and see how pizza is made. We watched the dough being rolled out by a machine. It was amazing how large one little ball of dough can get when it is rolled out. Each child was given their own little piece of the dough to touch and feel. It was a lot like Play-Doh. Next we went into the walk-in refrigerator. Ooh, it was chilly in there! We got to see the giant tub of pizza sauce. Wow, that was a lot of sauce. Then we watched the dough being punched with holes to let the air bubbles out. Next was the pizza sauce and cheese then each child got to add their own pepperoni to the pizza. What fun!

We enjoyed lunch at the salad and pizza buffet. After lunch, the kiddos were off to play games!

Nicholas seems to have finally caught on that the tickets he wins from games can be used to buy things so he was playing a lot of games that gave tickets. He's pretty serious about this one. Look at the concentration...

Nicholas kept wanting to play this "claw game" where you try to scoop up candy. Not only are these always harder than they look but this silly claw didn't even work right! It would go down into the candy but usually it wouldn't try to grab something until it had already come back up from the pile. What a waste of time and tokens. Nicholas kept trying no matter how many different ways I tried to explain that it wasn't working right. He did eventually get two pieces of candy. High Five!

We had fun and we were one of the last in our group to finally leave. I had a coupon for Barnes and Noble so of course I had to go find something to buy that I didn't know I needed. Among the things I bought was a new Brain Quest game for Nicholas. He just loves these! They are a set of cards with questions on them. Then you flip to the next card to see if you got the answer correct. He already has the three year old version but it is really too easy for him so I bought the one for 4-5 year olds. We sat on a bench outside the store, soaking up the sun, enjoying the beautiful weather, and playing with the new Brain Quest cards. Nicholas still goes through these cards easily without much hesitation but he really loves them. He was even trying to read the questions aloud himself.

Next we decided that we were both thirsty and, oh surprise, there just happens to be a Starbucks in Barnes and Noble! How convenient :) Nicholas loves their non-coffee creme drinks and he tried the vanilla one. He spilled about half of it on the sidewalk outside (sorry Starbucks!). Isn't always so sad to see a little kid spill a special treat like that? I thought he was going to cry but I showed him that only a little spilled out and everything was fine once again. Yum!

The day was just too beautiful to go back home. We went over to a nearby park and flew a kite, walked around the pond, and played on the playground.

On the way home, Nicholas pointed to a stop sign and shouted, "Look Mommy! That sign is an octagon!". Yes, I had to quickly count the sides myself to be sure he was right...and he was. I asked him how many sides an octagon has and he smiled and said, "It has eight sides!"

Proud Mama!

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