Our family colored Easter Eggs today. It was quite messy but lots of fun. Nicholas enjoyed pouring the water into the dye cups then putting the dye pellets in them. We watched the dye as it dissolved in the water. Nicholas quickly dunked a lot of eggs and he got a little careless. At one point he dunked his entire hand in the red dye cup which resulted in a stained hand and red dye all over the table. But we just continued with the fun. Once all of the eggs had been dunked and dyed, Nicholas started re-dunking them in various other colors. We ended up with some really cool looking eggs.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Easter Bunny came! Nicholas had to find his Easter basket and it didn't take him long. It was hidden behind a curtain by his castle table. He was so excited. The Easter bunny brought too much candy as always but also had some toys, stickers and a big bottle of bubble bath in a cool Transformers bottle - which came in handy when it was time to wash all of the candy stickiness off of him!
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