Getting some pointers from Coach Mike...
When the team is in the outfield, they are supposed to stand on little carpet squares that are evenly spaced across the outfield. They all know they are supposed to stand on these squares but they don't always like where the squares are placed. So to fix that problem, they often just move the squares to where ever they want to until someone tells them to move them back. Nicholas and Emma Rae seem to always have their squares right next to each other! It's just easier to hold hands that way :)
Running for the ball...
Nicholas got the ball and shouts "BLAST!"
Here's the famous football tackle scene. They just aren't happy that a team mate caught the ball. No, they each want to be the one to get the ball so they tackle each other and form these little piles of Blastball players. But amazingly, they are all really good sports about it when they don't get it.
Huddling for the Gator Cheer at the end of a game...
BLAST! Nicholas caught the ball!
Wow! This is the way the team is supposed to be lined up when in the outfield. This picture must have been taken at the very beginning of a game, before the children decided to rearrange their squares :)
Jumping for Joy!
Running to base! Landing on base in Blastball is especially fun because the base "HONKS!"
Ready for the ball!
What a sharp looking team. All clean at the beginning of a game!
Nicholas brought me a bouquet of flowers. Awww!
Every team out there has a parent or two that takes some pictures. However, our team seems to have an inordinate number of parents are really "into" photography with nice equipment to show for it. We joked that we needed our own media box for the games.
Lining up to give "high fives" at the end of the game...
We had a nice pizza party at the neighboring park before the awards ceremony.
Some hot and tired Blastball players...
Nicholas got called up to receive his first trophy ever. He is so very proud of it. He brought it home and showed it to all of his stuffed animals!
When Nicholas was getting dressed on the morning of his last Blastball game, I mentioned to him that this was the last day he would need to wear his uniform. He got sad and said, "I want to play Blastball forever!" I'm so glad that he has enjoyed his first team sport. He has learned a lot of basic skills for baseball but also learned about working as a team and good sportsmanship.
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