Nicholas does not always nap in the afternoon anymore. Usually I can at least get him to have some quiet down time in his room though even if it doesn't actually sleep. Today I thought for sure he would nap because he hasn't had as much sleep as usual these last few days. But instead, I heard him calling me from his room. He said, "Mommy! Please come take a picture of my beautiful bed that I've made!" I was a little afraid of what he might have done to his bed but I tried to ignore him thinking he would forget about me and just go to sleep. Nope, he just got louder, "MOMMY! PLEASE COME TAKE A PICTURE OF MY BEAUTIFUL BED!" So curiosity got the best of me and I finally went in his room. He hadn't done much except put some Tinker Toys along the back of his bed. He was very proud of how he had decorated his bed and asked again for me to take a picture of it. So of course I did.
Nicholas and his Beautiful Bed...

P.S. - Uncle SMO, Nicholas still loves those Tinker Toys that you gave him two Christmas' ago. He makes something with them every single day! Usually it is either a rocket ship or a sword but there is really no telling what he will come up with. And of course, I find single pieces of Tinker Toys all over the house. I think they are multiplying on their own!
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