Nicholas had a great time at summer camp this week. The theme was all about the sea. He did neat experiments like filtering water, sinking vs. floating, and making his own ocean aquarium to bring home. He also made a pirate hat out of folded newspaper. Cool! Friday was "water day" so he got to wear his swim suit and they were all going to play in the water. He said his favorite part of "water day" was playing catch with water balloons.
Friday night, we dropped Nicholas off at Fellowship Church for a few hours for the start of Adventure Weekend (aka Vacation Bible School). We brought him back to church this morning for the second day of activities. It was all day long and we were a little concerned about how he would hold out but he did great.
The theme for Adventure Weekend this year was "Backstage Blast" and the kids all got to participate in making their own movies. Nicholas also enjoyed the crafts. He made this cool megaphone.

Just like all famous movie stars, Nicholas also got to make his handprint in his own star on the Walk of Fame. What a neat idea! They used 12 inch black vinyl floor tiles and some modeling clay for the stars and handprints. Super cute!
We met back up with Nicholas at church at 3:30 and went into a special service for Adventure Weekend families. Nicholas was so proud to get to go into "Mommy and Daddy church" with us. We got to watch the video clips of what the kids did over the weekend as well as the completed movies they made.
Pastor Mike Johnson talked about the importance of raising our children. I like the scripture he quoted:
Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
So are the children of one’s youth.
Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them;
They shall not be ashamed,
But shall speak with their enemies in the gate.
Psalm 127:3-5
Children are gifts from God. If we as parents train them and guide them correctly then they will, like an arrow shot well, follow a straight path throughout their lives. Otherwise, one might as well lay the arrows at the feet of his enemy and tell them "Good luck".
We have such an awesome children's ministry at Fellowship Church. The pastors and staff are all great and so passionate about what they do. They put on incredible children's services each week complete with Bible lessons and even a puppet show! Nicholas looks forward to going each week and he is learning such wonderful lessons about Jesus Christ and the Bible. We are blessed to have found such an awesome church for our family.
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