We headed out to Plano later in the day. Karen had people watching Stuart so she knew when it would be safe for us to sneak in. We got to the room where the shower would be and Nicholas instantly discovered the pink and white balloons on the floor. Boy, did he have a blast! I had told him to be still and quiet and not too disruptive since this was where Daddy works and we had never met most of these people that were going to be at the shower. He promised to behave but when you throw balloons into the mix, well, it's all over. He ran around throwing balloons up in the air, kicking them, and rolling around on them for a good 15 minutes before we had to get him to settle down because the party was about to start.
I was so impresed by all of the work that Stuart's boss and his team had gone to in order to make this shower special. There were tons of presents, two cakes, lots of decorations, and about 30 people in attendance.
Karen finally brought Stuart into the room and we all said, "Surprise!" Stuart looked shocked and didn't want to walk into the room at first. He was so overwhelmed that he didn't even notice that Nicholas and I were there at first but Nicholas couldn't help but run over to see his Daddy. It was so much fun.
Everyone had filled out advice cards for raising a little girl and Stuart read them aloud. There were some really sweet ones and some really funny ones.
Next Stuart opened presents and again we were both overwhelmed by the generosity and thoughtfulness of everyone who put this together. Not only did the baby get lots of gifts but Nicholas got three gifts as well - a dump truck toy, a t-shirt that says, "I'm a big brother", and a book about being a big brother. Needless to say, Nicholas was thrilled. He ran over to one of the ladies to tell her thank you and kissed her on the cheek.
Nicholas also had lots of fun playing with the baby toys.
He was also very excited when Karen told him that he could take the balloons home and she got giant bags to put them in. Nicholas was so proud!
As excited as he was all morning and considering all of the exercise he got playing with the balloons, it was no surprise that Nicholas fell asleep shortly after we left the party to head home. He was one tired little guy!
Later tonight we met with our Bible study group. We knew that they were doing "something for the baby" but we were just execting a cake or something. Instead they had the room decorated with pink balloons and a cute banner welcoming the baby. And there were more presents - we are blessed to have such thoughtful friends! Check out the diaper cake. Isn't that cool?! It is made of little diapers wrapped around a tub of baby wipes. I know it will come in handy but I hate to ever have to disassemble it!
We had a great time at the shower and we did actually do a little of our Bible study. While the adults were busy with the shower and the Bible study, the kids were upstairs making a scene from Daniel in the Lion's Den. Each child made their own lion for the den.
Nicholas and his buddy also had fun playing with costumes.
Of course, Nicholas loved getting more balloons, especially the giant baby balloon. Here's a pic of him kissing the baby...
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