Mrs. Deb taught us an Hawaiian chant warning that the volcano is about to blow. Then Mr. Tim made the volcano really explode by putting Menthos candies in a 2 liter bottle of Coke! We've done this experiment before at Grandmother Chance's house and it is always fun to watch!
All the boys were given their very own straw hats. Girls got grass skirts. Everyone got their own ukelele and lei. It was so cute seeing them all dressed up. It was also cute trying to get their picture. Can you imagine how difficult it is to get a big group of 3 to 5 year old children to all to sit still long enough to take a picture AND look at the camera AND not bonk the person next to them with their ukelele AND not get bored and run off AND, oh yeah, smile too. It was like trying to herd cats! It just wasn't working well but it was fun.
Nicholas had fun playing in Emma Rae's play house. He pretended to be a chef and I had to place my order at the window.
Later Nicholas was drawing with chalk on the sidewalk with his friends. He stopped and said, "Look Mommy! I drew a cross like Jesus died on!" Then he drew a roller coaster.
Happy Birthday, Emma Rae! We had a great time at your party!
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