Nicholas touched a bearded dragon...
...a monitor lizard...
...a red tail columbian boa constrictor... iguana...
Here he is holding a Ball Python from Africa...
Look at this giant albino snake that is wrapped around Nicholas. He was just loving this! Sorry but I can't recall if this was a boa constrictor or a python.
I never heard the name of this snake but he sure seems to be looking closely at Nicholas.
A giant tortoise. He's only 12 years old which is still a baby in tortoise years. His name is Bulldozer or "Dozer" for short because he'll just walk right over anything.
We learned about the differences between reptiles and amphibians. Then we looked at several animals and had to use our new knowledge to determine which they were.
Once we had finished seeing all of the Reptile Fest exhibits, we moved on to a few of the museum's regular exhibits. We went into a Kaleidoscope room where we could see hundreds of reflections of ourselves in the mirrors. Nicholas loved it!
We also found a cool experiment to let us play with artifical lightning. As Nicholas would touch the glass, the electricity was attracted to him and the grouding that he and Stuart created. The first two pictures don't quite do it justice as the camera's flash washed out a lot of the ambient blue glow which you can see better in the third picture when I turned the flash off.
I just love this museum! What a great way to spend some quality family time together - having fun, sharing new experiences, and learning about the world around us.
We wrapped up our fun day with dinner at Chuy's, our favorite Tex-Mex restaurant in Dallas. Nicholas loved the ecclectic artwork, colorful wooden fish hanging from the ceiling and the multi-colored lights in the ceiling fan fixtures. He said, "This is a cool man restaurant. It's not really a girl restaurant."
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