Thursday, February 28, 2008
Here is Nicholas performing a song he learned at school called "Elephants Have Wrinkles". Cute!
Take a look at our furry friends. I don't know that I'm really excited about this but we have (at least) two rabbits that seemed to have made a home under our deck near the kitchen window. They come out into the yard to eat every day around dusk. You can see one up close in this picture and the other is farther back in the picture under the bird feeder (sorry the pic is crooked but I was taking it in a hurry before they scampered away).
They are cute to watch but I know what they say about rabbits multiplying and I don't really want a huge family of rabbits living under our deck but I'm not sure what to do about it!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I kept Nicholas home from school today so we could go on a cool field trip to see Slim Goodbody at the Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth. It was awesome! Slim Goodbody teaches young children all about the human body and how it works. He wears a body suit printed with all of the internal organs and he performs the entire show by himself with the exception of some audience participation. He was just great. He made it fun with songs and dances and the kids particpated with him. We learned about the circulatory system. He had half of the room say, "Lubba" and the other half say, "Dubba" and we did it over and over again to make the sound of a beating heart. I think this was one of Nicholas' most favorite parts. We also learned about cells, skin, respiration, digestion, nerves, bones, and muscles. We will definitely go back next time he is in town.
After the show we went to a phenomenal used book sale that I go to every year. It is a warehouse-size sale with books priced as low as 50 cents! Of course, being the book-addict that I am, I had to stock up! Like we don't have enough books already. Where in the world will I put these new ones?
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Back to school. It was cold so Nicholas was all bundled up. He always has fun playing with me while we wait to drop him off in car line. Today he brought some of his stuffed animal friends with us. He set them up on the dash board and sang to them, showed them his Nemo toy, and waved good-bye to them when he got out of the car.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Nicholas has quickly picked up how to use a computer mouse - thanks to his Webkinz. His little dog, Capaccio, comes with an online subscription in which you can play with your pet online. He has a little online house and you can play games to win money to buy food and furniture for your pet. Your pet can even meet up with your friends' pets in the online world. Nicholas really likes it and he looks so serious when he is playing.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
I couldn't resist catching this picture of a sleeping angel! It's so rare to see him lying so still :)
The weather was nice so we took Nicholas for a bike ride over to our neighborhood park. Nicholas absolutely loves his bike. He rides it all the time, weather permitting. We love it too. It is really well built with hefty tires which makes it easy to go over uneven sidewalks.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
After breakfast, Nicholas climbed up into Stuart's lap and cuddled. Stuart asked if he was cuddling because he was cold. Nicholas said, "No, I'm just a baby armadillo. Take care of me."
Nicholas loves to act out all kinds of cute scenarios. You just never know from one minute to the next if he is pretending to be an animal, superhero, baby, or rocket ship. It's so much fun having him around!
Going Bonkers! is a fun place Nicholas loves to go to play. They have great climbing structures and games. He is quite good at some of the games like shooting out the horse's teeth with balls. Poor horse!
But his favorite game is the motorcycle racing game. He isn't very good at steering his bike but he sure has fun pretending to drive it.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Nicholas seemed to be cough-free so we headed over to a friends house to learn about the symphony. We got to see a really old violin. We listened to classical music and danced to it with colorful scarves.
After all the dancing, Nicholas started to cough again so I tried to get him to leave so we could go home. He ran around the yard some trying to avoid going home.
Eventually I wrangled him into the car though. We went home and I gave him another breathing treatment and let him take a nap. He hasn't been sleeping well because of the coughing.
He seemed to do much better after catching up on some sleep. Here he is entertaining us with his singing and guitar talent.
Friday night we got to hear Bishop T.D. Jakes speak at our church. He is an incredibly dynamic speaker. I've watched his sermons on TV many times but it was awesome to see him in person.
1 comment:
Ohhhh....I used to watch Slim Goodbody on TV as a kid! I loved the lub/dub heart thing he always did. What fun!!!!!
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