Earlier this week, we met up with some of our PTA friends for a playdate in a friend's pool. There was lots of shade so it was really nice considering this terrible heat we're having.
Nicholas enjoyed playing like his was a shark with his big dorsal fin sticking up. Earlier he had been doing this while making the music from Jaws!
Nicholas and I recently made a trip to Burlington/Baby Depot so I could shop for a few more pieces of maternity clothing. While we were there Nicholas said that he wanted to pick out a new toy for his little sister. He searched all over but wasn't thrilled with the selection of toys there. He finally decided on this farm animal toy from Fisher Price. He did pretty well for choosing an age appropriate toy and not something related to Star Wars or a super hero!
As we walked through the store just browsing, Nicholas found these two very-low-to-the-ground, sink-your-body-right-into-them chairs. Of course, he wanted us to both sit in them and not being one to pass on fun with the boy, I obliged. However, after struggling to lower my larger than usual body into the chair without falling on my behind, I soon realized that I was going to have an even harder time getting myself out of the chair. As I tried to pull myself out, I decided I was too tired and just wanted to sit there a little longer. As I sat resting, my sweet child started making fun of how I was trying to get out of the chair. It was nice having him show me just how graceful I looked!
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