Monday, August 18, 2008

Walk A Little Slower, Daddy

Tonight Nicholas was following Stuart somewhere in the house but he was having a hard time keeping up with him. Nicholas said, "Walk a little slower Daddy. Remember what the Father's Day card said."

I neglected to mention this on the entry for Father's Day this year but Nicholas made a cute Father's Day card for Stuart at his school. It included the following poem which we read aloud on Father's Day but haven't mentioned it since then.

"Walk a Little slower, Daddy." said a little child so small.
I'm following in your footsteps and I don't want to fall.

Sometimes your steps are very fast, sometimes they're hard to see;
So walk a little slower Daddy, for you are leading me.

Someday when I'm all grown up, You're what I want to be.
Then I will have a little child who'll want to follow me.

And I would want to lead just right, and know that I was true;
So, walk a little slower, Daddy, for I must follow you!!

~author unknown

I'm always in awe of how well Nicholas remembers things and then applies them so appropriately in real life situations.

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