Thursday, September 4, 2008

This Week at Preschool

Nicholas is having fun being back in school but he's had to be redirected several times for being noisy and talking too much. Lately at home he just seems to talk non-stop all day long so I guess I'm not terribly surprised. I'm not sure if this is attention-seeking or just his way of sharing all the things going on in his busy little mind. I know the constant talking can wear me down by the end of the day and I'm sure it is disruptive in the classroom. I hate to tell him to stop talking and expressing himself but he does need to learn that there is a time and place for talking and a time and place for being quiet. We'll have to work on this some more.

This week at school, Nicholas did some work on improving his fine motor skills for writing such as push pin work, tearing paper into specific shapes, grinding, and painting. He learned the parts of the turtle.

For reading, I usually focus strictly on the phonics of the words with him and I have not tried to teach him any sight words yet. However, at school this week, he was presented with sight words including me, home, no, hot, and mom. I would like to work with him more on sight words and maybe this is a good time to start doing so.

For math, Nicholas worked on the spindle box, sandpaper numerals, and math mats.

He has Spanish class and a trip to the library every Tuesday. On Wednesdays, he goes to chapel, P.E., and music class. On Thursdays, he has art class. This week in Spanish he learned that "pequeño" means small and "grande" means large. He is really proud to be learning Spanish and has enjoyed going around repeatedly telling us the translation for these two words over and over.

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