They discovered an osage orange tree and played with its unusual fruit that had fallen to the ground. The group came walking over to the moms to show us the "treasure" they found. Nicholas said, "It's an armadillo shell!" They put it on the ground and started studying it closely. They poked it with sticks. They rolled it around. They discovered that there were some bugs in a rotting part of the fruit. One of them shouted, "FIRE ANTS!" when she saw the bugs and everyone moved back. However, the two boys couldn't resist and they were soon back at the fruit to watch the bugs some more!
Tonight when Stuart got home he asked Nicholas what he did today. Nicholas said, "We played fire ants at the park!". Of course, Stuart asked how the game of fire ants is played. Nicholas said, "You get down real small and hold a stick. The stick is how you sting people - like a fire ant."
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