I parked the car on the side of the road along a row of bamboo. I mentioned something about the bamboo to Nicholas and he got excited and said, "Bamboo is for panda bears!....(then sadly) but I don't see any panda bears here." I tried to explain that there aren't many panda bears in Flower Mound but that only made him sader. Maybe a trip to the zoo is in order.
When we got out to the trail, we were amazed to find the entire hillside under water. We had an unusually high amount of rain last month and we have since learned that Grapevine Lake is 16 feet above its usual mark. We were able to walk just a short distance from the trail head before we lost the trail under the water.
The moms were a little disappointed at first but the kids didn't even seem to notice that things had not gone as planned. They had a great time playing right where we were with the few things they found on the ground. Many of the boys picked up sticks and pretended that they were either swords or fishing rods.
Mrs. Heather found a big shell and offered it to Nicholas. He showed the shell to Emma Rae. Then he said, "No wait! I think a clam might need that shell!" and he took it back from Emma Rae and threw it back into the water.
We watched some huge swirls and splashes out in the water and we moms were asking each other what that might be. Nicholas overheard us and said, "I know! It's a hippopotamus!" We decided that it probably wasn't a hippopotamus but it may have been alligator gar. We also watched some little fish right at the edge of the water where we were. Mrs. Heather brought out some crackers and let everyone throw some to feed the fish.
Mrs. Deb felt bad that we had not been able to go on our hike as planned. I reassured her that we had a great time and reminded her of all the wonderful experiences we had. Nicholas held a neat looking shell, practiced walking on rocks and driftwood, played with sticks and rocks, watched jumping fish, fed crackers to the fish, pretended to catch the fish with a stick, saw a frog, saw some huge spider webs, and had fun outdoors with our friends. Besides, after our hiking/fishing outing in the early morning heat, Mrs. Deb got some Fla-Vor-Ice out of a cooler in her car to share with everyone. It is one of Nicholas' favorite summertime treats and it was a big hit.
Mrs. Tammy invited everyone back to their house to cool off in the pool. We had a great time. After swimming, Nicholas enjoyed a parfait of yogurt, strawberries and whole grain cereal. We stayed until the early afternoon yet Nicholas still didn't want to leave his friends when it was time to go.
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