Daddy had to get back to work but Nicholas and I weren't ready to go home yet. We ventured over to Central Park in Frisco. What a great place! There are hills, trees, a rustling little stream that meanders around the park. Most exciting is the history of the Texas cattle drives throughout the park. There are quotes about cattle drives on various steps and stones throughout the park, relief murals of cattle drives, as well as bigger than life bronze sculptures of cowboys on horses and longhorns. We had a wonderful time and it turned about to be a great educational experience.
Nicholas did some crayon rubbings of the quotes on the steps. Here he is rubbing the word, "horse".
Nicholas said one of his favorite things that we did was counting the steps as we went up and down them. We counted 15 steps on one side of the park and 18 steps on the other side. I read to him the various quotes on the steps and talked about the cattle drives in general as we did this.
We found this neat cowboy on one of the relief murals. I had brought some foil with us to try to copy some of the relief murals but it was really too thin to hold much detail without tearing. Next time we'll try it with a thicker foil. I recall my dad copying reliefs with me when I was little and I believe he used thin sheets of copper. Maybe we could try copying it with Playdoh or modeling clay too.
Nicholas found a nice bench along a path and said he wanted to take a break. After he sat down he realized what a choice location he had found for directly behind him were several construction vehicles hard at work. We sat and watched them for a long time.
We looked at some interesting plants and leaves. We talked about how we can tell which way the wind is blowing by watching how the plants move.
When we left the park, we were both hot and thirsty. We stopped and picked up some drinks for the ride home. Nicholas chose something called "Bug Juice".
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