Nicholas loves playing with his Thomas the tank train set. He has a great table for it all but sometimes he loves to just spread it all out over the floor and make new designs with leftover track pieces.

Nicholas still loves to ride around in this little car as well as his tricycle and motorized Jeep. However, he has asked Santa Claus to bring him a "big boy bike" for Christmas. But I don't know if he will stop riding around in this little car until he can no longer fit his knees in it.

Nicholas has a little dance he does when he needs to go potty but doesn't want to stop playing long enough to go to the bathroom. He was doing his little dance today and Stuart told him to go to the bathroom. Nicholas just kept playing and Stuart had to remind him again to go to the bathroom before he had an accident. Nicholas got mad at being told what to do and looked at both of us and said, "Hmpf! I'm not your little boy anymore!" Then he looked at me and I guess realized that I hadn't done anything to him and he said, "Ok, well, I'm still Mommy's little boy but Daddy, I'm not your little boy anymore!" I realize he is trying to hurt our feelings when he says this or the alternate, "I'm not going to be your friend anymore!". However, it is really just cute and I can't help but smile a little when he does it. I know he has picked this up from some other child at school so I have talked with him about how other children might say things like this to try to get their way as well as other ways to express his frustration with us or other people that doesn't involve saying something mean to try to hurt the other person's feelings.
Nicholas still loves to help me in the kitchen. The other night we made a Southwestern Taco Pie. Nicholas had a very intense look on his face as he tried to align the bottom layer of pie dough in the pie pan.

He relaxed a little when it was time to pile the filling in. He is such a good helper in the kitchen and it's always more fun to cook with him around.

Nicholas always wakes up before Stuart and me on the weekend. He has his routine. He comes into our room with three stuffed animals - Daddy Bear, Mama Bear, and Big Dog. He wakes us up by giving us each a "friend" to snuggle with while we sleep. Of course, he gives me the Mama Bear while Stuart gets the Daddy Bear and Nicholas keeps Big Dog for himself. He then crawls up onto the foot of the bed and snuggles up between Stuart and me. He lies there for a few minutes as we enjoy the precious moments of our family all cuddled up together. But, alas, the moment is fleeting as Nicholas is quick to get down off the bed and soon fills the floor of our room or the foot of our bed with loud, noisy toys. This morning Nicholas was playing on the floor as Stuart and I tried to catch a few more minutes of snoozing. Nicholas decided that he was going to make us a pretend breakfast. He went to his bed and brought back his sweet little turtle basket which is usually filled with little trinket toys and stays next to him in bed. He emptied the basket and brought it into our bedroom. He said it was his "food feeder basket". He proceeded to give Stuart and I some pretend breakfast items from his basket. He gave us duck milk, canary soup, frog peach, pizza, ice cream, and vegetables.
Nicholas and I have enjoyed participating in Project Feeder Watch. We watch our bird feeders on two days a week and record the count of different species of birds on a tracking form online. Nicholas gets very excited about watching birds now and he is great at helping me find and count birds. When we signed up for Project Feeder Watch, they sent us some great educational materials to help us get started.

We keep these items, along with several of my bird identification books, next to the bay window in the kitchen which is a great spot to watch birds in our backyard. It has been a really fun project and we plan to participate in it again next year!