Of course, I was very careful not to tear my custom-made wrapping paper which is now being displayed on the refrigerator. But I was even more proud of the wonderful gift inside the wrapping paper. It was a Christmas plate that Nicholas had decorated himself!
Nicholas told me about the picture. It is a picture of Santa Claus in his red suit. The red line on the left is a house and the green triangle is a Christmas tree. The green and brown things in the upper right are two presents that Santa brought. At the bottom of the picture, Nicholas signed his name. I'm just so proud! I don't think I can box it back up with all of the other Christmas stuff to just sit in the attic until next year. I just might have to keep this one out all year long. What a great gift.
Stuart and I attended the MES Christmas chapel this week. We went a little early so that I could help the children get dressed in their shepherds costumes while Stuart found us a good seat for video taping the performance. Nicholas was just too cute in his little costume!
Once everyone was dressed, the class lined up to walk to chapel but they got in one more rehearsal before they left. They are singing "Go Tell It On The Mountain" complete with sign language.
I got butterflies in my stomach when it was time for Nicholas' class to go on stage. I'm just such a proud mama! Here's my little boy as the cutest shepherd in his class.
Here's Nicholas and his proud Daddy after the performance.
Stuart and I both helped out at church this week for their Christmas performances. Stuart was there Wednesday night for the main rehearsal. He ended up not needing to rehearse on camera so he just sat in the audience watching the worship team practice on stage. He brought Nicholas in to watch as well. Nicholas had a blast! He got to go back stage as well as sit in the audience. The other people on the media team loved having him hang out with them. They played peek-a-boo over the seats and answered all of Nicholas' endless questions. Tracy Ball, a local photographer, was there and captured some great pictures of Nicholas with his new friends.

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