Nicholas and I spent a lot of time in the backyard today. He is a great bug-hunter and found one right away. He quickly ran to get his bug house and put the little bug in it. He was so proud of his find.
We looked at him through a magnifying glass. We watched him walk around the bug house some. Nicholas even put some grass in the bug house to make him feel more at home. Eventually, with a little sadness, we had to let the little bug go since we didn't really know what to feed it to keep it alive.
We then moved on to feeding the birds. I like to keep bird food out so that we always have birds at the feeders. Nicholas and I often talk about birds including what they like to eat, where they live, and how they take care of their eggs and young baby birds.
Nicholas enjoyed crushing up some overcooked cornbread that we gave to the birds.
It can be challenging to pour bird seed from a big scoop into a little opening in the bird feeder so I showed Nicholas how to use my favorite bird seed scoop. You use it as a regular scoop but then you position the handle over the opening in the bird feeder and slide a little lever on the handle that opens up a hole to allow the bird seed to flow through the handle just like a funnel. Nicholas absolutely loved it. Once the bird feeders were full he continued to play with the scoop/funnel and poured a lot of my seed out in the grass. I figure the birds will eventually find it there.
Nicholas really likes to play with a particular bird feeder that I have. It is made in such a way that birds can sit on the rests and eat but if something heavier like a squirrel tries to hang on it to eat, it pulls the outer casing down over the feeding holes so they can't eat. Nicholas loves to have us act out the scenario. One of us is a bird and the other is the squirrel. One can pretend to eat from the feeder while the other gets locked out. We can play this little game over and over again.
After a busy day in the back yard, it was time for a nap. Look how happy Nicholas is about picking out his books for our reading time before his nap. He is very active in his play all day long but no matter what he is doing he will almost always drop it to climb into my lap to read a book. That makes me so happy!
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