The birthday party included skating lessons with an instructor so we took advantage of that!
Nicholas decided that he was all done with skating but he found this neat little ride on toy that he rode around the rink. I think he actually liked it more than skating.
After we sang to the birthday girl and enjoyed some birthday cake, Nicholas decided he wanted to play some video games. Although I wouldn't give him any money to play, he was quite content to just sit there and pretend to drive the snowmobile game.
It was a fun birthday party. We hope to go back to the rink soon for more fun.
On a sadder note, Mommy's car finally died. It's transmission went completely out so it wouldn't move and had to be towed to the repair shop. Nicholas wanted to watch the tow truck drive up to the house so we played in the front yard while we waited for it.
He got out his tools and did some work on one of the wheels.
Then we decided to build a little house with things we found in the yard. We used some existing rocks in a flower bed for the walls. We collected little twigs and I tied them together in bundles to be the ceiling joists. Then we collected pieces of bark that the sycamore trees had shed and used them for our roof.
We never decided if it was a house for gnomes, fairies, or elves. But it turned out to be a good fit for his Fisher Price Little People.
The tow truck finally arrived and Nicholas was very excited. He loved watching the man load Mommy's SUV onto the tow truck. I'm glad he had so much fun. I can't say that I had such a good time watching it though.
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