We finally made it out the door and headed for some breakfast. A radio station that we like, KLTY, was broadcasting from a local Chick-Fil-A so we dropped in to watch.
It was a great way to demonstrate how radio broadcasting works and to show Nicholas that there are real people doing the talking on the radio and that there is not really a little man inside the radio that sings and talks to us all the time. The announcer even had us all do a little shout when we went live on the air. Nicholas loved that! He also loved the free hot chocolate and balloon artist that they had.
My friend Heather started a food drive through the Early Childhood PTA and encouraged each playgroup to work together to donate a full meal of food to the drive. The playgroups that did got their name put into a drawing to win a holiday brunch for their whole group...and we won! Hooray! We headed over to Mrs. Heather's house and had a great time. The food was awesome and the company was even better. Nicholas got to make tortilla snowflakes! How cool! He folded up a tortilla and made cuts in it like a snowflake. He opened it up and brushed some melted butter on it and sprinkled colored sugar. Then Mrs. Heather baked it in the oven. When it came out of the oven, Nicholas put a little powdered sugar on it. What a pretty and tasty treat!
Afterwards, everyone played and enjoyed the company of friends. We had a great time! Thank you, Mrs. Heather!
We had another Christmas party last night with our Home Team (bible study group). We each brought a dish and together we had an awesome meal of brisket, twice baked potatos, roasted vegetables, dinner rolls, and two incredible desserts. The children had each brought a wrapped book to the party and after dinner they exchanged presents. Nicholas got a book called Bedtime Blessings which has stories and neat activities to do. Once we got home, Nicholas was wiped out from such a busy day. He went straight to bed and drifted off to sleep right away.
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